Modern technology allows us to get opportunities, which a few years ago we did not even dare to dream. On the Internet you can find a huge variety of online services to suit every taste and color. Today we tell about the 5 most unusual of them.

Nukemap – virtual nuclear button, which will destroy any city

Nukemap – an online service that will allow you to see firsthand what will happen when the war begins between atomic states. With it, you can own hands to destroy any city in the world and even admire, like a mushroom cloud will demolish the face of the earth hated your school or work.

Nukemap – is the brainchild of scientist Alex Vellershteyna. A historian by training, he works at the American Institute of Physics, and is interested in nuclear weapons. For many years he studied the old government reports on possible consequences of the use of atomic bombs. In the course of these studies, he began to apply the relevant mathematical equations with respect to the maps from Google Maps. And there was a project Nukemap.

Nukemap – is a special plugin for Google Earth, which allows a three-dimensional mode to see a nuclear explosion at any desired location. The user can even specify a specific point on the streets of New York or any other city, where he will enjoy it. After the explosion, the service calculates and its consequences – the radius of destruction, the level of radioactive particles remaining in place, the number of casualties and destruction.

At the same time Alex Vellershteyn claims that all the data that he used when creating Nukemap, are shared.

Omnipresenz – travel in style outsourcing

Service called Omnipresenz allows us to travel the world, get new experience and knowledge, to attend important events, seminars, lectures and other activities without leaving at the same time because of the computer desk.

This service allows people with disabilities in movement or time to be active, full life in different parts of the world. Indeed, it often happens that we have various reasons to choose between several important activities in which we would like to participate.Omnipresenz gives us the opportunity to visit each of them.

Omnipresenz – is available with a computer network that allows a person to delegate their desires to others. Suffice it to find the right spot member of the service, and he will visit with the camera on his head right event, visit the place where you would like to visit, talk on your behalf with specific people. You will be able to guide his actions remotely via your computer.

The implementation of their desires through the online service user Omnipresenz cost ten times cheaper than a personal presence on the spot. After all, this network allows us to find, for example, residents or city people who are already going to go to a specific event, such as an exhibition at Comic-Con in San Diego or university lectures at Harvard.

Club house astronomers from Google Maps

Online service Google Maps before giving us the opportunity to study the geography of the Earth – considered the planet’s surface with a very detailed satellite imagery, walking through the streets of the cities due to Google Street View, visit the world’s largest museums in the Google Art Project. A new service from Google Maps also allows us to closely look at the sky .

And earlier in Google Maps has been built a good model of the sky, but now you can also study in detail the two closest to the Earth cosmic object – the Moon and Mars. If you fly over the surface of these objects on an orbital satellite.

The new service from Google Maps allows a good look at all the features of the lunar and Martian terrain – craters, mountains and even some large objects.

This feature was launched by Google in honor of the 45th anniversary of the mission of the spacecraft Apollo 11, the crew of which, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first humans to visit on the lunar surface.

Social network Hyperlocal – the exchange of goods between neighbors

Online service Hyperlocal – is a cross between social networking, online shopping, rural markets and garage sales. This site was created for people who live in the same neighborhood, and who have something to offer each other.

Hyperlocal allows neighbors to share with each other the products of their activities, whether fruits and vegetables grown on the plot, either by hand knitted socks and gloves. If you have anything that can be useful and interesting neighbors, you can register Hyperlocal and talk about his proposal. Product information, including photos and a brief description here will appear on the map, available through the mobile application or desktop website.

Hyperlocal service will allow buyers and producers of goods and services to opt out of such a thing as a “store”, because they will be in contact with each other directly. Moreover, these products will certainly much tastier and better than similar offerings from the store. Hyperlocal creators believe that people will not deceive neighbors, trying to shove them defective or damaged goods.

Hyperlocal – it is also a means of deep integration of the residents of the area. After all, in today’s world, people can live for decades in the neighborhood, not knowing the names of those who live in the house across the street. And this service will allow neighbors to get acquainted through the process of selling and buying goods.

Aquardio – an interactive aquarium on your screen

In the nineties of the twentieth century in Japan there was a channel on which the life of one hour broadcast aquarium full of beautiful fish. The Japanese, the charter for the day at work, knock on public transport on the way home, turn on the TV could come down, watching the fish swim slowly at one end of the tank to the other.

But technology does not stand still. And in our time there was an Internet site, where you can also watch live aquarium life. But, unlike the Japanese prototype, Aquardio – an interactive service.

Aquardio created a very busy programmer who is very sorry that due to busy at work can not spend much time with their fish. As a result, he decided to install next to them three cameras that will live watch these pets. Moreover, the author Aquardio implement a system remote control your aquarium.

Now he can feed your fish, they turn on and off the light and change the supply air temperature of the water, while being anywhere in the world. Can do well and strangers who register on the site and Aquardio get temporary access to the management of this interactive aquarium.



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