Articles by "funny videos"
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With makeup, clothing, and a cane, we help disguise D-Trix, our Prankster, as a senior citizen. D-Trix then surprises people on Hollywood Boulevard when he suddenly transforms from a stumbling old man into an amazing dancer.
In the finale, Jeana (dressed as his nurse) pushes him in a wheelchair to “watch” his boys Quest Crew as they dance for a crowd. He blows away the crowd with some real “old” school moves.
In all the diversity of India, beauty and cleanliness co-exist with ugliness and dirt. But we have many who helped us clean up.
10. The neighbourhood Dhobi or the Washermen is better than your regular laundrymen.
9. Clean your old metalware and knick-knack by turning to this old man for help.
8. One man's waste is another's wealth. The Kabari wala or the Indian Ragpicker and his family derive their sustenance from our thrash.
7. And when one's life journey is done someone is there to clean up our mortal remains.
6. There is also someone to teach us how to keep our insides clean.
5. Why go to the ENP when all you need to do is sit by the roadside, get entertain by the traffic and have your ears cleaned by this roadside ear cleaner.
4. Farewell to your 500 dollar a sitting New York dentist. Instead, get your teeth cleaned or extracted by your friendly neighbourhood dentist.
3. And if you are a Shia Muslim and do managed to spill a little blood on Muharram, fear not, someone will clean it for you.
2. Cow, the sacred bovines of India even have their personal poop and pee cleaners.
1. And when 1.2 billion people have to go, cleaning up after is a dirty job. But there is someone to do this for you neck deep and guck.
Novinarka Andrea Martinez izvještavala je za lokalnu TV stanicu KYTX o posljedicama prolaska tornada kroz američku saveznu državu Teksas.
Tornado je iza sebe ostavio uništena imanja, kao i smeće koje je pokrilo sve puteve i dvorišta.
No, onda je Andrea ugledala nešto nesvakidašnje - psa kako mirno sjedi na kosilici za travu!
Tornado je iza sebe ostavio uništena imanja, kao i smeće koje je pokrilo sve puteve i dvorišta.
No, onda je Andrea ugledala nešto nesvakidašnje - psa kako mirno sjedi na kosilici za travu!
Nepisano pravilo kaže da je pola sata provedenih "u programu" ravno punom osmočasovnom radnom vremenu. Voditelji tome, ponekad, plate danak.
Ne govorite turski? Ovoga voditelja ćete sigurno razumjeti. Osmjehu ne treba prevod.
Ne govorite turski? Ovoga voditelja ćete sigurno razumjeti. Osmjehu ne treba prevod.
Video u kojem američki policajac Tony Scherb pleše objavljen je na Facebook i YouTube stranicama šerifove kancelarije, a za sedam dana je pregledan više od dva miliona puta.
Nakon 29 godina službe zamjenik šerifa odlučio je proslaviti svoj odlazak u penziju plesom u liftu uz pjesmu pjesmu Watch Me američkog repera Silenta.
Kada je njegova kolegica ušla u lift, Scherb je nastavio plesati, a ona mu se pridružila. Potom je u lift ušao njihov šef i oni su se umirili.
Pošto je šef izašao iz lifta, zamjenik šerifa je ponovo počeo plesati, a pridružili su mu se i kolege koji su bili u liftu, izuzev jednog.
Kancelarija šerifa u okrugu El Paso objavio je video koji je snimljen kamerom u liftu.
“Tony je tokom svih ovih godina bio vrijedan član šerifove kancelarije i bio je lični prijatelj mnogima od nas. Nedostajaće nam i želimo mu sve najbolje”, navodi se u objavi na Facebooku.
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan).
The fluffy goalkeeper broke the record for the Most balls caught by a dog with the paws in one minute after she skilfully “saved” 14 mini footballs smashing the previous record of 11 - a feat she had achieved a year earlier.
Makoto explains that they practice together for 15 minutes every day. He carefully throws each ball to Purin, who stands on her back legs and holds out her paws ready to catch them one at a time.
The record was achieved in the pair’s hometown of Japan earlier this year in the presence of an official Guinness World Records adjudicator.
The gifted pup also holds the record for the fastest 10m travelled on a ball by a dog, after she balanced on an inflatable Swiss ball and crossed the finish line in just 11.90 seconds.
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